
WrightWay Advocacy

Spectrum Mother Support

Spectrum Mom | Supporting ASD Mom Advocates

Spectrum Mom

Offers emotional and spiritual resources for the journey of special needs parenting and caregiving. Sharing personal insights as the Parent of a 13-year-old son with special needs, a Certified Life and Executive Coach, former Social Services Administrative Clerk - Selina Davis, B.A. offers twelve encouraging weeks of group and 1:1 support, resources and tools to support advocating mothers and/or fathers and ALL caregivers serving to help in families with special needs and differently-abled loved ones. Selina also provides support to the leadership teams and inclusion teams of organizations and in which group members are attending.


  • Powerful for all participants - the built-in reflection and discussion questions make Spectrum Mom an ideal, real-life resource our mom advocate.

    <span style="><span style=" sans=" "="" font-size="">Please email us regarding the 12 Week Group at: ► Link

12 Week Advocate Coaching Program | Spectrum Advocates

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